Slide Gate Installation Water Water Pumping Station Upgrade 1 Bolton Booster Pumping Station North Toronto WWTP Secondary Clafifier Overflow Trough and Weir Replacement North Toronto WWTP Secondard Clarifier Overflow Trough and Weir Replacement Milton WWTP Stand-by Generator Upgrade North Brampton Pumping Station Schomberg Pumping Station Upgrade and By-pass Bolton SBPS Vaughan Wastewater Pumping Station Intermodal Sewage Pumping Station Upgrades Innifil Well Pumphouse Upgrade Fabrication Yes - Intermodal SPS Site Photograph Intermodal Sewage Pumping Station Upgrades Intermodal Sewage Pumping Station Upgrades Valve Replacement Palgrave Well Pumping Station Intermodal Wastewater Pumping Station
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• General Contracting

• Process and Mechanical Installations

• Water and Wastewater Station By-Pass Piping Systems

• Fabrication


We have our own fabrication facility which aids in
addressing any changes or modifications without delay.